A story of a traditional Algerian white garment, usually associated with the Casbah area of Algiers. Women used to wear it to cover themselves before going out, but after the independence they were more and more attracted to the occidental way of dressing
-that means : No more Hayek in the streets-
On the 1st of Novembre 2014 -60st anniversary of the revolution's outbreak- , there was a huge parade in downtown Algiers and in that parade there was a conciderable number of women and young ladies all wearing their Hayek.
Two of my friends wanted to get part of the parade so we went there but we arrived a little bit late, we had to run if we wanted to catch the others -we didn't catch the others-
-Célia and Abir with their traditional hayek-
-Abir wearing her Hayek-
Fiew minutes later, we met Sophia, a very beautiful young lady -funy as hell- she was with her friend Sarra. Like us, they missed the parade, so they joint us and we formed a small groupe.
Oh! this is Sophia's mother -or was it Sarra's ?!-
Anyway, she was very nice to us all and very cooperative when I asked for some specific shots -And I laught hard at this because you're not suposed to show your calf when you're wearing a hayek-
Once upon a time, women of old Algiers -but this time..with high heels shoes-


"Hayek" , a traditional dress of old Algiers.
